Not an Ordinary Worship (N.O.W.) Experience

Press Release for First United Methodist Church
4790 Gratiot Rd., Saginaw, MI  48638

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Contact:     Pastor Amy Terhune
First United Methodist Church
(989) 799-0131

First United Methodist Church of Saginaw had their first Not Ordinary Worship last Saturday, also known as N.O.W.  It is a worship service with guitars, drums, keys and an inspirational message.  The musicians are local talents and the message is given by Pastor Amy Terhune.

The upbeat music is anything but traditional and the message is uplifting, yet brief, and the time is 7:00 pm on Wednesdays as an alternative for worshipers who may have moved away from traditional service.  According to Pastor Amy, “We know that traditional worship isn’t for everyone, but everyone needs a place to find inspiration and a fun, relevant way to worship and have faith.  We hope this is the place for that to happen.”

All are welcome, whether single, married, families, students, kids, seniors or LGBTQIA.  During the inaugural service last Saturday, Pastor Amy let the congregation know that there are activities and toys up front for kids to use during the service and it is her hope that, “kids and everyone will feel free to move around and dance!”

Come visit on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at 4790 Gratiot, Saginaw, Michigan.  More information can be found at

First United Methodist Church of Saginaw was established in 1851 and is served by Pastor Amy Terhune.  FUMC cares for and about our community.
