
Praise Band Director


First United Methodist Church of Saginaw, 4790 Gratiot Road, Saginaw, MI 48638
(989) 799-0131 www.firstumcsaginaw.org firstumsag@aol.com

Job Description:

Saginaw First UMC is looking for a part-time (4-6 hours/week) Praise Band Director to work with our pastor in leading our weekly N.O.W. (Not Ordinary Worship) Contemporary Worship Service on Wednesday nights. Director should be skilled in an instrument: piano/keyboard OR guitar/bass OR drums preferred.


– Have solid skills on at least one instrument, and a working knowledge of other instruments in praise band.

– Lead weekly praise band prep rehearsals on Wednesdays from 5:45-6:45pm.

– Play with the band during worship on Wednesdays from 7:00-7:45pm.

– First Wednesday of each month is Taizé Worship, so the band has this night off. Praise band meets ALL other Wednesdays, and director is expected to be there.

– Lead one additional monthly rehearsal (approx. 1½-2 hours) so the band can learn new music. Time/Day of this rehearsal is flexible.

– Meet monthly with the pastor to plan the music for services for the next month, and to select new music. Time/Day of this meeting is flexible.

– Transpose music into simpler key, or for instruments that play in different keys, as needed.

– Communicate song selections via email with band (preferably on Fridays) so they can prepare for upcoming Wednesday.

– When new music is selected, upload lead sheets and music to Google Drive or Dropbox for band members to download for practice. Maintain Google Drive/Dropbox for band use. Maintain file cabinet of music for band use.

– The Praise Band Director will report directly to the Pastor.

– Pay will run between $20-25/hour depending on experience, 4-6 hours/week for 50 weeks a year with opportunities for raise with accumulated service. Schedule and pay negotiable.

How to Apply

To apply, please submit your current resume, cover letter, and references by email to Pastor Amy Terhune at pastoralbt@outlook.com with “Praise Band Director” in the subject line by Wednesday, November 13, 2019. Position begins by December 11, 2019. For more information, you can contact Pastor Amy at the above email or call the church office at 989-799-0131.